Holiday 2022 Catalogue

Showing items 161 to 161

168 items in this catalogue total,
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166. [History & Culture] [Religion] [Abstraction].
Collection of Antique Catholic Corporal Bags

Collection of five handmade antique Catholic Corporal bags, probably ca. 1900 or earlier, various sizes with the largest measuring 10 x 10 inches, and to our modern eyes, quite graphically striking and indeed somewhat reminiscent of Malevitch or Lewitt! The corporal (from Latin corpus "body") bag is a quadrangular pouch used to hold the corporal once folded during the celebration of the Catholic Eucharist (Mass). The bag, with the corporal inside, was used together with the veil to cover the chalice and paten on the way from the sacristy to the altar and back.  Each bag consists of two rigid quadrangular plates made of rigid paper board, lined with linen or silk on the inside and with the fabric and color of the liturgical vestments on the outside, sewn on three sides and finished with decorative panels.  In fine condition. 

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