Winter-Spring 2021 Catalogue

Showing items 181 to 181

190 items in this catalogue total,
currently filtered to 181

190. [History & Culture] [Writing and Culture] Winchell, LaRosa, Falwell etc. .
Group of Autographs

Group of twentieth-century autographs and memorabilia. Included are: signed card from Vidal Sassoon; autograph note from writer Nathalie Sedgwick Colby; signed photograph from evangelist Jerry Falwell; signed reproduction drawing of journalist Hannen Swaffer; signature from singer Jon Secada; signature from gossip commentator Walter Winchell; signed matchbook from Julie LaRosa; group of autograph letters in German from Liesbeth Belun to Bernhard Lange; signed album page from Duanne Nilsen; unsigned Map of Movie Stars Homes.