Holiday 2021
When sorted by Catalogue #, items will display as follows. You can also sort alphabetically or by price.
Christmas & New Year: Items 1 - 15
Composers: Items 16 - 61
Instrumentalists: Items 62 - 83
Opera: Items 84 - 91
Jazz & Song: Items 92 - 111
Dance: Items 112 - 127
Film & Theatre: Items 128 - 159
Literature & Art: Items 160- 180
History & Culture: Items 181 - 185
1. Bartók, Béla. (1881–1945) [Fachiri, Adila. (1886–1962)] Happy New Year's Postcard to Adila Fachiri
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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2. [Beach Christmas] Whelan, Arleen. (1916–1993) "Merry Christmas—From Pacific Sands to You" - Promotional Photograph
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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3. Casals, Pablo. (1876–1973) Signed Christmas Card
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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4. [Christmas] Radio City Music Hall Rockettes Original 1934 Photograph
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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5. Corelli, Arcangelo. (1653–1713) XII Concerti Grossi. Opera Sesta. INCLUDING THE CHRISTMAS CONCERTO
Schubertiade Music and Arts
Regular price
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6. Curzon, Clifford. (1907-1982) Signed Rachmaninoff Concerto LP Recording - "With All Good Wishes / Christmas 1956"
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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7. Grosz, George. (1893–1959) Dunes and Sand (Dünen und Strandgräser) - INSCRIBED "with my heartiest Christmas wishes"
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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8. [Jingle Bells] Pierpont, James Lord. (1822–1893) Jingle Bells, or the One Horse Open Sleigh
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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9. Lerner, Alan Jay. (1918–1986) "I hope it will prove to be a rich New Year." - Typed Letter Signed to the Producer of Brigadoon
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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10. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. (1809–1847) Autograph Letter - "If society is still in existence by New Year's Eve (which is doubtful), then let it be sung that evening"
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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11. Picasso, Pablo. (1881–1973) Père Noël, 1957 - Signed Lithograph
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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12. [Santa Baby] Kitt, Eartha. (1927-2008) Signed Postcard Photograph
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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13. [Stravinsky, Igor. (1882–1971) & Benois, Alexandre. (1870–1960)] Greeting Card with Stage Design for "Petrouchka"
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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14. Tetrazzini, Luisa. (1871–1940) Autograph Note Signed to Aurelia Arimondi, sending Christmas and New Year's Wishes
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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15. [Weill, Kurt. (1900–1950)] Lenya, Lotte. (1898–1981) Die Dreigroschenoper - SIGNED WITH CHRISTMAS WISHES
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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16. [Beethoven, Ludwig van. (1770–1827)] Hartig Portrait Medal
Schubertiade Music and Arts
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