Late Summer 2021 Catalogue

Showing items 41 to 60

209 items in this catalogue total,
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42. [Instrumentalists] Rubinstein, Arthur. (1887–1982).
Autograph Signature

Autograph album leaf signed by the great pianist, together with a trimmed halftone photograph mounted to the right of the signature.  The autograph's recipient has written "Feb. 19, 1939 / Artur Rubinstein / world-famous pianist" to the lower margin.  In fine condition.  6.75 x 5 inches (17.1 x 12.7 cm.).

43. [Instrumentalists] Rubinstein, Arthur. (1887–1982).
Signed Photograph

Portrait photograph of the great Polish-born pianist, who has boldly signed in black ink.  The caption in the lower margin promotes the World Artists production Music—Now and Forever.  Very fine.  8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.). Read More...

Original print of a 1926 drawing by M. Vernarra, showing Rubinstein seated at the piano and with a facsimile of his signature to the right.  On the verso, a drawing by M. Vernarra, showing Toscanini in three lively conducting poses.  Single leaf, one edge rough, apparently this having been removed from a volume of similar illustrations depicting notable musicians, composers, and conductors.  Overall fine.  10 x 13 inches (25 x 33 cm.).

45. [Instrumentalists] Sándor, György. (1912–2005).
Signed Photograph

Signed photograph of the Hungarian pianist, who has inscribed "To Ed— / in best remembrance of our meeting in San Diego and with my warmest good wishes / always / György Sándor / November 22. 1951" in black ink.  Light surface crease to center of image, else in fine condition.  7.5 x 9.5 inches (19 x 24.1 cm.). Read More...

46. [Instrumentalists] Sarasate, Pablo de. (1844–1908).
Autograph Musical Quotation Signed

AMQS from the important Basque violinist, who has penned a single chord and dated "15-10-1903."  Mounting remnants to verso, slight irregular trim, else in very fine condition.  3.5 x 1.25 inches (8.9 x 3.2 cm.).

Show all available items in this catalogue matching:
Classical Music
Autographs & Manuscripts
Composers / Conductors / Instrumentalists

47. [Instrumentalists] Serkin, Rudolf. (1903–1991).
Signed Concert Program

Concert program from an April 27–28, 1939 performance with the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall, signed to front page by the American pianist.  The performance, which featured Serkin as soloist for Beethoven's Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in C major, also included Stravinsky's suite from Pulcinella and Franck's Symphony in D minor.  8 pp.  Light vertical crease, else in fine condition.  6 x 9 inches (15.2 x 22.9 cm.).

48. [Instrumentalists] Slenczynska, Ruth. (b. 1925).
Autograph Signature

Early autograph signature from the American pianist together with a halftone photograph, both mounted to an autograph album leaf.  The date of the signature, December 28, 1938, has been written to the lower margin by the autograph's recipient, who has also added "13 yr. old child prodigy."  In fine condition.  6.75 x 5 inches (17.1 x 12.7 cm.).

49. [Instrumentalists] Starker, Janos. (1924–2013).
Signed Photograph

Signed photograph of the great cellist, who has inscribed "To Mrs. Roberts / Cordially / Janos Starker / 1962" in blue pen.  Signed photographs of Starker from this period are uncommon.  Light toning to upper right corner margin, image unaffected, else fine.  8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.).

Bifold concert program from a performance by the Festival Quartet, a piano quartet featuring violinist Szymon Goldberg, violist William Primrose, cellist Nikolai Graudan, and pianist Victor Babinat.  The performance, which took place at an unidentified venue in the Seattle area as part of the 1956–57 season of the Community Concert Association series, included pieces by Mozart, Schumann and Brahms.  4 pp.  In fine condition.  6.25 x 9.5 inches (15.9 x 24.1 cm.).  Together with a photograph of the quartet conversing around the piano.  In fine condition.  10 x 8 inches (25.4 x 20.3 cm.). Read More...

51. [Conductors] Barbirolli, John. (1899–1970).
Signed Progam

Concert program from a Sunday, April 30, 1939 performance with the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall, signed to cover by the British conductor.  The performance included Wagner's Prelude to Die Meistersinger, Mendelssohn's Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (with Rudolf Serkin), No. 1, in G minor, Op. 25, and Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68 by Brahms.  16 pp.  In very fine condition.  6 x 9 inches (15.2 x 22.9 cm.).

52. [Conductors] Boulez, Pierre. (1925–2016).
Signed Program

Concert program signed by the influential composer and conductor for a performance with the Cleveland Orchestra at Symphony Hall in Boston on Friday, March 24, 1972, part of the Boston University Celebrity Series.  Evening included performances of The Miraculous Mandarin by Bartok, La Mer and Three Orchestral Sketches by Debussy, and Le Sacre du Printemps by Stravinsky.  4 pp.  Crease to upper left corner, else fine.  6 x 9 inches (15.2 x 22.9 cm).

53. [Conductors] Coates, Albert. (1882–1953).
"To the wonder orchestra" - Signed Photograph

Signed doubleweight photograph of the English conductor and composer, who has inscribed "To the wonder [?!] orchestra / Albert Coates / N.Y. 1932."  Small crease to lower right corner, else very fine.  8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.). Read More...

54. [Conductors] Golschmann, Vladimir. (1893–1972).
Signed Photograph to the Box Office Treasurer of the New York Philharmonic

Sepia portrait photograph of the French-born conductor, who has inscribed to the Box Office Treasurer of the New York Philharmonic, "To Mr. Edward Hochner / sincerely / Vladimir Golschmann / New York 1932."  Horizontal tear to left margin, small losses to upper right corner, image unaffected, else in fine condition.  8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.).

ALS from the German-born conductor and composer to the French composer Marcel Mihalovici.  January 25, 1964 / Dufourstrasse 104 / Zuerich 8, Schweiz; 1 p.  In full, translated from the German, "My Dear Friend Mihailovici! / Only today am I getting around to answering your letter from November 20th.  You won't believe how happy it made me. / How nice it would be if we could see each other again in the near future.  At the moment, I have no reason to come to Paris, but I will be in London in the early part of the year.  Perhaps your path will lead you there one day. / Again, a thousand thanks and all the best to you and Monique. / I remain yours, / [Signature]."  In fine condition.  5.75 x 8.25 inches (14.6 x 21 cm.).  Together with original transmissal envelope. Read More...

Show all available items in this catalogue matching:
Classical Music
Autographs & Manuscripts
Composers / Conductors / Instrumentalists

56. [Conductors] Pasdeloup, Jules. (1819–1887).
Autograph Letter Signed arranging travel for Sarasate and Bouhy

ALS by the influential conductor to a M. Calandini, most likely the cellist of the Theatre Italien, regarding a series of errands and tasks to be completed, including arranging travel for several famous performers, including possibly Sarah Bernhardt, the violinist Pablo Sarasate, and Jacques-Joseph-André Boughy, Belgian baritone most famous for being the first to sing the "Toreador Song" in the role of Escamillo in the opera Carmen. Caen, May 25 [no year];  2 pp.  In French, translated in full: "I can't find the Egmont Orchestral score, stop by M. Richault [music publishing house founded in 1805 by Charles Simon Richault (1780-1866)] to look at it if you don't find any at the library.  It is a small size. / Madame Sarah [Bernhardt?], Sarasate and Bouhy are going to travel first class, it is likely that Bouhy will not leave in the morning, but you'll check Friday evening about the time of his departure. / You'll find enclosed the 1/2-price ticket.  Friday you'll go and ask a thousand francs from M. Charlier to pay the railroad.  It's 11f10c second class and 14.75 first class. / You haven't forgotten to stop by M. Gounod [?]. The bass players are M.M. Dereul...they must be brought to M. Dereul, 66 Notre Dame de Nazareth Street, also ask the name of the 1st bass player. / sending my salutations / J. Pasdeloup / You must send me the Egmont score tomorrow, Friday."  Wear along folded lines, else in very good condition.  8 x 10.25 inches (26.1 x 20.5 cm.). Read More...

57. [Conductors] Rudel, Julius. (1921–2014).
Signed Photograph

Metropolitan Opera promotional photograph of the American conductor best known for his tenure with the New York City Opera.  Rudel has inscribed "To Paul / with all best wishes / Julius Rudel."  Metropolitan Opera Press Department sticker to verso.  Fine.  8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.). Read More...

59. [Conductors] Walter, Bruno. (1876–1962).
Original Color Photograph

Unusual and striking doubleweight color photograph of the great conductor on the podium. Printed on Kodak photographer paper, no photographer identification. In very fine condition.  10 x 8 inches (25.4 x 20.3 cm.).

60. [Opera] Callas, Maria. (1923–1977).
Original Christian Steiner Photograph

Striking portrait photograph of the great diva shown in profile, smiling broadly, stamped by the photographer "Christian Steiner / Angel Records" to verso, also with stamp to verso for S. Hurok Presents An Evening with Maria Callas and Giuseppe di Stefano.  Very fine.  7.75 x 9.75 inches (19.7 x 24.8 cm.). Read More...

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Signed Photograph
Autographs & Manuscripts
Photographs & Portraiture

61. [Opera] Duncan, Todd. (1903–1998).
Signed Photograph with Program

Signed Steele Auckland photograph of the baritone, together with unsigned program for 1955–56 joint recital with soprano Camilla Williams.  Program includes vocal music by Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, Bellini, Leoncavallo, Verdi, Barber, Weill, Quilter, and Gershwin.  Light toning and wear to lower left corner margin of photograph, image unaffected, else fine.  8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.).  Program in fine condition.  6.25 x 9.5 inches (15.9 x 24.1 cm.). Read More...

62. [Opera] Gobbi, Tito. (1913–1984).
Signed Photograph

Signed Fayer of Vienna photograph of the marvelous German baritone, a favorite of Callas, in costume for an unidentified production at the Vienna State Opera. Photographer stamp to verso.  In fine condition.  3 x 5.5 inches (7.6 x 14 cm.). Read More...

Show all available items in this catalogue matching:
Signed Photograph
Autographs & Manuscripts
Photographs & Portraiture