Holiday 2020 Catalogue

Showing items 161 to 179

200 items in this catalogue total,
currently filtered to 179

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. (1749-1832)

CDV Portrait


Unsigned Photograph
Photographs & Portraiture

Hockney, David. (b. 1937)

Turandot - Mixed Media on paper


Artwork & Sculpture

Johnson, Philip. (1906 - 2005)

"Several new projects have tied me to my desk" - Typed Letter Signed


Art & Design
Autographs & Manuscripts
Art & Artists

[Joyce, James. (1882–1941)] Abbott, Berenice. (1898–1991)

Portrait Photograph of James Joyce

Signed Photograph
Autographs & Manuscripts
Photographs & Portraiture

Picasso, Pablo. (1881–1973) [Stanley Stanley]

Belly by Picasso - Original Photograph with Ernst Ascher

Unsigned Photograph
Art & Design
Photographs & Portraiture
Art & Artists

Rouault, Georges. (1871–1958)

ROUAULT - XXVI-XXVII - Inscribed Presentation Copy with Laid-in Original Drawing


Artwork & Sculpture
Signed Document/Item
Art & Design
Autographs & Manuscripts
Art & Artists

Saint Laurent, Yves. (1936–2008)

Colorful Original Signed Design for a Plaid Dress and Purple Scarf

Artwork & Sculpture
Art & Design
Art & Artists

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. (1759 - 1805)

CDV Portrait


Unsigned Photograph
Photographs & Portraiture

Steig, William (1907–2003) & Steig, Jeanne.

"Alpha Beta Chowder" - SIGNED


Art & Design
Signed Document/Item
Autographs & Manuscripts
Books & Libretti
Art & Artists

Steinberg, Saul. (1914-1999)

Sheet Music and Facetious Sky


Artwork & Sculpture
Art & Design
Art & Artists

Warhol, Andy. (1928–1987)

Querelle - SIGNED


Artwork & Sculpture
Art & Design
Art & Artists

Agassiz, Louis. (1807-1873)

Original CDV Photograph

Unsigned Photograph
Photographs & Portraiture

Darwin, Charles. (1809–1882)

Carte de Visite Photograph

Unsigned Photograph
Science & Technology
Photographs & Portraiture
History & Culture

[Free Love]

"Love" - 1970s San Francisco Newspaper


History & Historiography
Ephemera & Instruments
History & Culture

Humboldt, Alexander von. (1769-1859)

Original CDV Photograph

Unsigned Photograph
Photographs & Portraiture

[Matador] Manolete. (1917–1947)

Postcard Photograph

Unsigned Photograph
History & Historiography
Photographs & Portraiture
History & Culture

[Propaganda] Scott, Howard. (1902–1983)

"Loose Talk Can Cost Lives" - World War II Poster


Culture, Ethnicity & Gender
Ephemera & Instruments
History & Culture