Stereoview overview of the Coliseum and Midway Grounds in St. James Park, the location of the The National Peace Jubilee, a celebration of the "Restoration of Peace" after the Civil War, organized by Patrick Gilmore in Boston in 1869. It featured an enormous orchestra and a chorus, as well as numerous soloists. In total, more than 11,000 performers participated, including the famous violinist Ole Bull as the orchestra's concert director. The Jubilee became the "high-water mark in the influence of the band in American life"; along with the International Peace Jubilee in 1872, it made Gilmore a famous composer and bandmaster. The Coliseum shown in the present image was built especially for this enormous musical event which drew huge crowds - with a magnifyier, one can see vendors selling popcorn. This view is by John P. Soule and measures 6.75 x 3.25 inches.
Stereoview overview of the Coliseum and Midway Grounds in St. James Park, the location of the The National Peace Jubilee, a celebration of the "Restoration of Peace" after the Civil War, organized by Patrick Gilmore in Boston in 1869. It featured an enormous orchestra and a chorus, as well as numerous soloists. In total, more than 11,000 performers participated, including the famous violinist Ole Bull as the orchestra's concert director. The Jubilee became the "high-water mark in the influence of the band in American life"; along with the International Peace Jubilee in 1872, it made Gilmore a famous composer and bandmaster. The Coliseum shown in the present image was built especially for this enormous musical event which drew huge crowds - with a magnifyier, one can see vendors selling popcorn. This view is by John P. Soule and measures 6.75 x 3.25 inches.