An unusual photograph of the great violinist, who appeared with the Russian Baritone in concert AS HIS PIANIST! Stamped as such on the verso, 4.5 x 6.5 inches, with the raised stamp of the photographer "Hemenway." The New York Times reported on December 21, 1916 that "Reinhold Warlich gave a song recital yesterday in which one of the most interesting features was consipicuously announced to be the fact that Mr. Fritz Kreisler played his accompaniments on the pianoforte. Mr Kriesler has not hitherto been prominent as a pianoforte player, but he demonstrated yesterday that he was one, and the musicianship that has made him one of the great violinists also guides him in the humbler role of playing accompaniments."
An unusual photograph of the great violinist, who appeared with the Russian Baritone in concert AS HIS PIANIST! Stamped as such on the verso, 4.5 x 6.5 inches, with the raised stamp of the photographer "Hemenway." The New York Times reported on December 21, 1916 that "Reinhold Warlich gave a song recital yesterday in which one of the most interesting features was consipicuously announced to be the fact that Mr. Fritz Kreisler played his accompaniments on the pianoforte. Mr Kriesler has not hitherto been prominent as a pianoforte player, but he demonstrated yesterday that he was one, and the musicianship that has made him one of the great violinists also guides him in the humbler role of playing accompaniments."