Cohan, George. M. (1878-1942). You're A Grand Old Flag. New York: F.A. Mills. 1906. First Edition with New Title.
A rare copy of the popular song, the first edition after the title was changed from "You're A Grand Old Rag," when protests ensued. Front cover has a portrait of the composer in a revolutionary military uniform. Fuld p. 663-64. Owner's 1906 inscription at top, otherwise in very good condition.
Cohan, George. M. (1878-1942). You're A Grand Old Flag. New York: F.A. Mills. 1906. First Edition with New Title.
A rare copy of the popular song, the first edition after the title was changed from "You're A Grand Old Rag," when protests ensued. Front cover has a portrait of the composer in a revolutionary military uniform. Fuld p. 663-64. Owner's 1906 inscription at top, otherwise in very good condition.