Dietrich, Marlene (1901–1992) [Cole, Nat King. (1919–1965)]. "Dietrich in Rio" - LP WITH COVER INSCRIBED TO NAT KING COLE.
Original 1959 LP (Columbia WS316) of the great German actress and singer performing in Rio de Janeiro, boldly signed and inscribed in red pen on the cover to Nat King Cole: "To Nat because he is responsible for this - with all my love, respect and admiration, Marlene." Wear to edges of cover back and front, record seemingly in good condition though untested, else fine.
Dietrich considered this to be "one of my best albums" (Marlene, by Marlene Dietrich, p. 239), and it was Cole who had in fact advised her to tour in South America. In a promotional interview for the record, Dietrich recounted: "Nat King Cole came to see my act in Vegas, and he said that I was good. Well, I was very excited about that because if he said that, then it meant something. And he said he had just come back from South America, and he really pushed me into it. He's one of the kindest men I know." She recalled of the performance: "The Brazilians started to throw flowers... they came flying so beautifully that I thought, oh this is what they do down there. And the stage was so covered with flowers that I couldn't do the repeat of the finale... And then I heard later they don't usually do that. They only did that for Edith Piaf." [See Dietrich's interview: ]
A true piece of entertainment history, from the collection of Maria Cole, widow of Nat King Cole.
Dietrich, Marlene (1901–1992) [Cole, Nat King. (1919–1965)]. "Dietrich in Rio" - LP WITH COVER INSCRIBED TO NAT KING COLE.
Original 1959 LP (Columbia WS316) of the great German actress and singer performing in Rio de Janeiro, boldly signed and inscribed in red pen on the cover to Nat King Cole: "To Nat because he is responsible for this - with all my love, respect and admiration, Marlene." Wear to edges of cover back and front, record seemingly in good condition though untested, else fine.
Dietrich considered this to be "one of my best albums" (Marlene, by Marlene Dietrich, p. 239), and it was Cole who had in fact advised her to tour in South America. In a promotional interview for the record, Dietrich recounted: "Nat King Cole came to see my act in Vegas, and he said that I was good. Well, I was very excited about that because if he said that, then it meant something. And he said he had just come back from South America, and he really pushed me into it. He's one of the kindest men I know." She recalled of the performance: "The Brazilians started to throw flowers... they came flying so beautifully that I thought, oh this is what they do down there. And the stage was so covered with flowers that I couldn't do the repeat of the finale... And then I heard later they don't usually do that. They only did that for Edith Piaf." [See Dietrich's interview: ]
A true piece of entertainment history, from the collection of Maria Cole, widow of Nat King Cole.