Krasner, Louis. (1903–1995)

Autograph letter signed, mentioning the Berg and Schoenberg Concertos

ALS of the Ukrainian-born American violinist, a pioneer of modern music, best known as the first performer of the violin concertos by Alban Berg (which Krasner commissioned) and Arnold Schoenberg, his recordings of which he mentions in the present letter. In English. Addressed to "Mr. Vendetti." [Tanglewood], August 9, 1982. On letterhead paper of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. 

In full: "Dear Mr. Vendetti, Thank you for your letter which was forwarded to me here where I coach chamber music during the summer season. / I do not know whether I have notes on the talk that you heard. It was arranged at short notice. Nor do I remember which quotations of Schoenberg that I cited. / A paper  I delivered at the International Alban Berg Symposium in Vienna in June 1980 was published recently. If you are interested, I can have a copy made for you when I return to Boston in Sept[ember]. Perhaps I can then respond to your other questions. / Did yo ufind the Columbia record of Berg and Schoenberg Cnncertos with the Paul Klee jacket cover? This is out of print - or do you have the Berg that I made wit Fritz Busch in Stockholm? / With best regards, Yours sincerely, Louis Krasner."  (21933)

Autograph Letter
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