[Paganini, Nicolò. (1782–1840)] Sivori, Camillo. (1815–1894)

Autograph Letter to Colonne about Berlioz's Les Troyens

Autograph letter from the great virtuoso violinist, Paganini's only pupil, who introduced Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in England in 1827 at age 12 and collaborated with Liszt and composed virtuoso arrangements of many works.

1 page (recto/verso). Paris, 14. 12. 1879. In French, to the conductor Édouard Colonne, regarding his interpretation of Berlioz’s "La Prise de Troie“: "Mille remerciments [!] pour votre empressement à répondre au désir que j’avais manifesté d’entendre l’exécution ... Je sors du Concert, et je ne saurais trop vous féliciter de la magnifique interpré- tation de la belle œuvre de Berlioz ..." In fine condition. (11589)

Autograph Letter
Classical Music